Tonight is ladies night. You head to the mall to find
something that will make you look better than all of your girlfriends, let’s be
honest. H&M is too structured for how you want to act tonight, so you go
next door.
Ah, Forever 21. Home to eclectic products sold by the bitchiest
employees. You are determined to dig through racks of reasonably priced clothes
until you’ve found a new outfit.
Most of the time you’ll find something good enough. Every blue moon, though, you’ll
find an item that reminds you of why you love this place. You treasure the item’s ability
to accentuate your hips while slimming your waist. How is that even possible? The best part, however, is
when you discover the pockets.
Finding pockets on a dress or a skirt or anything is a special moment. It’s like when you look behind the Christmas
tree to make sure nothing was left behind and there is a present there: magical.
When I get married I want my wedding dress to have pockets.
The very first time I went to Forever21, I found this Heritage 81
(yeah, that long ago) navy, lace bubble skirt with pockets on sale for three
dollars. A skirt with pockets that was on sale, guys... Jackpot! That day, F21 received a special spot in my fashion loving heart.
I remember wearing this skirt on pajama day in high school with
my rainbow slipper booties-not my best moment. Sadly, it got left behind in Rome. I
only regret not wearing it enough.
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