Monday, January 27

That Instinct

You know that feeling that comes in moment you see them? That putter in your heart that makes you gasp and say, “Yes, you are what I have been mindlessly searching for…” I believe we all possess this feeling. We often ignore it and end up with regrets that collect dust in back of our closets, but we all have it somewhere deep inside.

I am taking about the instinct that comes when you are out (or on the couch) shopping for shoes. It is the instinct that drives you to immediately purchase another pair of black patent leather pumps. It is the adrenaline that tricks your mind into thinking you will totally wear those snake skin wedges. This gut feeling unexpectedly came for me the other day.

Whenever I am feeling stressed out I like to go online and fill a basket up with dresses or furniture I would potentially purchase. I was in the shoe section when it happened—I saw the boots I have spent the last year and a half searching for. I left behind possibly the best pair of fold-over, lace up boots in Italy. It was my wish to wake up and magically find them sitting in my closet waiting to be worn with distressed Levi’s and a loose V-neck... but, I had given up on that a few months ago when I decided it was time to let it all go. I was tired of looking back; always waiting for things to change when I should be taking action. As with most things, the moment was unexpected and that is what made it feel right. Like love at first site, I knew these new boots were the ones. My fingers even tingled a bit, although that could have been from the excessive pretend shopping I was doing all night.

If finding the boots I had spent the last year and a half searching for isn’t proof that dreams do come true, I don’t know what is! As a control freak, it is difficult to allow things to happen organically, but I am learning this year. In terms of fashion, it’s just a matter of recognizing that instinct when it comes, and having the confidence to rock those leopard platform booties.

I think this will be my last posting on this blog. As I mentioned earlier, I am cleansing my mind of the lost things I loved and directing my focus on being in the present. I will continue writing, perhaps on an art blog. Where ever life takes me, I thank you for being kind and listening. A dopo!

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